Louise “Weezy” – Barred Plymouth Rock

Hi, Louise here… “Weezy” to my friends. I’m the other Plymouth Rock in the group, but I look nothing like Maia. Apparently girls like me are what’s know as “barred.” I came into the group with Cress, which at first was a bit of an ordeal. (pecking order issues) But I stood my ground and have become one of the bravest of the bunch. I, like Maia, lay large brown eggs (but I add in a few cool looking speckles) and am very consistent.

Weezy - Barred Plymouth Rock (egg)

Weezy – Barred Plymouth Rock (egg)

Some of my stats

(courtesy of backyardchickens.com)

Egg Productivity: Medium
Egg Size: Large
Egg Color: Brown
Temperament: Kind, Skiddish, Sometimes mean to sisters while eating or trying to sleep
Color: Black and white stripes
Size: Large

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