Chicken Coop Arduino Controller

When I started my chicken coop, I knew I wanted it to be technically advanced, but I didn’t really want it to *look* too high tech, and not too “country” either. So I just went for it and I’m pretty happy with the results. Being the chicken nerd I am, I loved every phase of combining technology with building a chicken coop and raising chickens. (I actually don’t think I’ll ever want to stop adding to it b/c it’s just too fun) I mean, why shouldn’t technology keep them safer, more comfortable, and healthier? Ok, and why shouldn’t *I* have more fun with it? =)

What was the most important part for me (like most of us chicken owners) is keeping the chickens safe, especially at night. So for the automation part, it was all about the door. Predators are strong, sneaky and relentless critters, so you have to really get this door part right. After a while, you realize that one of the biggest pains is opening and closing the door every morning and evening. We chicken owners can’t go out to dinner without worrying whether or not a raccoon or a fox has been eyeballing them all day, waiting for the sun to go down to get into the coop to have *their* dinner. I also installed a chicken cam for a little added comfort.

Arduino Chicken Coop Controller (labelled)

Arduino Chicken Coop Controller (labelled)

The Build

coming soon…

Parts List

(my affiliate links)

Arduino MEGA 2560 Board R3 – by Arduino
(The Arduino Micro Controller to control the entire coop, including the door)

NEOMART L298N Stepper Motor Driver Controller Board Module – by Tontec
(The board that controls the motor)

DFGB37RG-136i Cylinder Shape DC 24V Speed 20 RPM Geared Motor – by Amico
The motor it self (make sure to pick a motor that isn’t too fast.I chose the 20rpm model)

White Inbuilt Type Alarm Contacts Door Window Reed Switch – by Amico
(The Reed Switches (magnetic) which signals when to start/top the motor)

20pcs Photo Light Sensitive Resistor Photoresistor Optoresistor 5mm GM5539 5539 – by sunkee-E
(The Photocell that continually reads light levels.In this project, it’s instructed to read ever 10mins)

10k Ohm Resistors – 1/4 Watt – 5% – 10K (25 Pieces) – by E-Projects
(10k resistors for the photocell and the reed switches – refer to wiring diagram)

BB830 Solderless Plug-in BreadBoard, 830 tie-points, 4 power rails – by BusBoard Prototype Systems
(To connect all devices and wiring.Tip: apply hot glue to wired connections on breadboard once set)

Polycom SoundPoint IP Universal AC Power Supply 24V DC – by Polycom Inc.
(power supply for 24v motor)

Wall Adapter Power Supply – 9V DC 650mA – by NKC Electronics
(power supply for arduino)

Acrylic Sheet, Transparent Clear, 0.08″ Thickness, 12″ Width, 24″ Length – by Small Parts
(To cover door’s internal workings…prevents dust, shavings, feathers, etc.)

  • Arduino Mega 2560 R3
  • Real time clock
  • L298N Motor Driver Dual H-Bridge
  • 16 x 2 LCD
  • 5 pin din male and female connectors
  • RCA male and female connectors
  • 12 V cooling fan
  • Wire ties
  • Wire (yellow, read, black & green)
  • Tie downs
  • Box
  • Shrink tubing
  • Bread board
  • Resistors
  • Relays
  • Velcro
  • 9v power supply
  • 12v power supply
  • 24 volt power supply
  • USB connector
  • Cable labels

The Arduino Chicken Coop Code

David Naves

David Naves

I’m hoping that if you use or modify my code or ideas, you will share *your* coop project with me and the world (pictures, whatever) I’m big on sharing.


Download The Arduino Automated Chicken Coop Code (zipped)

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